TOTH Montessori

Kindergarten – The Icing on the Cake

Stephanie Sarvana • Jan 10, 2024

Some of you were originally drawn to Montessori because you’ve read about how different and special the approach is. Some of you were looking for a high-quality daycare or preschool and stumbled upon us.

There are a plethora of reasons families choose to send their children to Montessori schools. The vast majority of those families are thrilled with their decision once they see how their child is nurtured, encouraged, and celebrated in our environments.

Something interesting tends to happen sometime around when the child approaches kindergarten.

Families feel the pull of traditional schooling. They begin to worry that the differences that make Montessori so wonderful just won’t cut it when it comes to preparing their child for life. They may have excellent public and charter school options available to them.

It can be hard to go against what you did as a child, or what your family or friends are doing for their children. And we fully recognize that the decision is incredibly personal.

What we can tell you is that the three-year cycle in our Primary environment is intentional, and there are some great reasons to give your child the gift of that third year.

Feeling on the fence? Hopefully we can help clarify some of the reasons we think children do best when they have the opportunity to complete their primary cycle.

Mastery of Skills

The third year in a primary classroom is a chance for students to really shine academically. Everything they have been working on comes full circle and their understanding of concepts solidifies in a way it couldn’t have until now.

Much of what we teach in the earlier years of our primary environments is indirect and direct preparation for the lessons our third years receive and the materials they work with.

Not only are our kindergarten children understanding concepts in new ways, but they can actually demonstrate this knowledge. Educators from all backgrounds will agree that when a person is able to teach someone a skill, they have themselves demonstrated mastery of the skill. Our classrooms are designed so that older students help to teach younger ones. This teaching serves multiple purposes, one of which is to demonstrate their own understanding.

One of the many benefits of the multi-age classroom is that our kindergarteners really enjoy taking on the role of giving lessons to their younger peers.

Opportunities for Leadership

Teaching lessons to younger children isn’t just about academic mastery; it’s also a chance for kids to experience leadership.

We believe that solid leadership isn’t really about power. It’s about allowing those with experience to take on a role of guiding others with less experience. So much of this type of leadership is done by modeling, and our kindergartners serve as the very best models for our younger students.

When your child first entered the classroom, they went through a period in which they needed to figure out expectations, routines, and so much more. Children need to learn how to be independent, how to interact with one another and adults, how to care for the environment, and so on. As adults who guide the children, we model and verbalize what children need to learn, but we are wise enough to recognize that they learn more from watching their peers.

Older children relish in this opportunity. It feels good to know that you are helping someone else. It feels good to acknowledge how far you have come, and how you are now able to guide others along their own path. Our third years know about this role because we discuss it with them often. By the time they step into it, they are more than prepared.

Continued Respect for Individuality

You already know that Montessori schools respect each child’s individual path, and that we believe even young people deserve to be treated with dignity. There are many ways in which we differ from conventional institutions, but some that we think are important to highlight are:

  • Allowing the child to use the restroom when they need to, without having to ask permission from an adult
  • Encouraging children to eat a snack when they are hungry and drink when they feel thirsty
  • Creating a structure that allows children to take breaks when they need to, and to focus deeply on their work for long periods of time without being interrupted
  • Giving children academic choice within limits (they may be required to complete certain tasks, but it’s okay if they choose the order in which the tasks are done)
  • Creating flexible seating choices so that children have options to sit alone or with friends, in a chair or on the floor

Advanced Academic Expectations

Parents in our community often recognize that our curriculum tends to exceed the scope of what is taught elsewhere. We do not push children to learn what is beyond their capabilities, we just know that children are capable of more than most people realize. When given the opportunity, they can amaze us all.

We honor the fact that every single child develops at their own rate, and there is no set time for various skills to be mastered. It is not uncommon, however, for Montessori students to:

  • Be reading before they enter kindergarten
  • Be working with numbers into the thousands at age four
  • Have an understanding of basic grammatical principles at age five
  • Engage with basic geometry concepts not typically introduced until years later
  • Enjoy skills and content taught in the areas of biology and geography beginning at age three
  • Begin adding large numbers and have a basic understanding of exchanging for tens

Deep-Dives Into Areas of Personal Interest

One of the best parts of being in a Montessori classroom is being allowed the time to explore one’s own interests. Because of the flexible nature of the day, kids can practice various skills while learning about what creates a spark for them.

Are they into dinosaurs? We provide books, paper, and art supplies for them to write about and draw diagrams of these ancient creatures.

Are they proud of their family’s culture and heritage? We make space for children and families to give presentations and share their traditions.

In a Montessori classroom, the possibilities really are endless. The experience is unlike anything that can be found in other educational settings, and each year we can give our children a Montessori education is a gift.

Still have questions? Want to connect with parents of older children at the school to ask questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can support you and your child.

24 Apr, 2024
As parents, we want to nurture our young children's growth and independence. Because Montessori philosophy centers on supporting children’s natural development through a carefully prepared environment, we can turn to Montessori principles to help us create ideal home spaces for our toddlers. Understanding the Montessori Philosophy At the heart of Montessori is the understanding that children are active, self-directed learners. Dr. Maria Montessori observed how children thrive intellectually, emotionally, and socially when provided with a nurturing environment and the freedom to explore. A Montessori room embodies these principles by offering a space where our toddlers can engage in purposeful activities, make choices independently, and develop essential life skills. Their Developing Personality The interaction between children and their environment is vital, as experiences in the environment help form our children’s personalities. During the first few years of life, children are forming an incredible number of neural connections and there is a continual feedback loop between a child’s genetic code and the environment. A child’s genetic code determines how they interact with their environment, and then their interactions influence how the genetic code is expressed. As children interact with their environment, mental pathways form. Patterns in the brain are established and repeated experiences have a larger impact. Ideally, we want our children’s neural pathways to be healthy patterns of emotion and thought. As such, our toddlers’ space should have both boundaries and opportunities that help them develop a healthy sense of security, order, and engagement. Practical Tips for Creating a Montessori Room at Home Choose the Right Furniture We can begin by selecting furniture that aligns with our toddler's needs and capabilities. Opt for child-sized pieces such as low shelves, a small table and chair, and a low bed or mattress on the floor. These elements empower children to navigate their environment with ease, promoting a sense of autonomy and confidence. Create Inviting Spaces Designate distinct areas within the room to cater to various activities and interests. A cozy reading nook outfitted with books at eye level encourages literacy and quiet reflection, while open shelves with a few manipulative toys invite exploration. Be sure to also have ample space for movement. Try getting down to your child’s level to see how the space looks and feels from a child’s perspective. Simplify and Declutter Embrace minimalism in a toddler's room by paring down to the essentials. Make sure that each item has a designated place and that part of the routine is returning the item to where it goes. This cultivates your child’s sense of order. Over time, gradually rotate toys to help maintain interest and engagement. Promote Independence Foster your toddler's burgeoning independence by arranging the room to facilitate self-care and autonomy. Install a low mirror to aid in dressing and grooming activities. Provide accessible storage solutions for clothing and personal belongings. Incorporate a step stool in the bathroom to allow your child to practice handwashing, toothbrushing, and general self-care. Include Natural Materials Infuse the room with elements of nature by incorporating toys made from natural materials and limiting the amount of plastic and battery-operated items. Look for natural items that stimulate children’s senses and foster a deeper connection to the natural world. Opting for sustainable and eco-friendly options also promotes environmental stewardship. Prioritize Safety In order for your toddler to navigate the space independently, you’ll want to feel assured that the room is meticulously childproofed to eliminate potential hazards. Anchor furniture to the wall to prevent tipping, secure cords out of reach, and regularly inspect the room for any safety concerns. Follow Children's Lead Above all, honor your toddler's unique interests, preferences, and developmental pace. Observe their interactions with their environment and adapt the room accordingly. If you see them wanting to climb on a table or shelf, offer safe alternative climbing options. By tailoring the space to their evolving needs and abilities, we support their developing curiosity and engagement. In this process, they develop a sense of agency and self-confidence that will serve them well throughout life. Creating a Montessori-inspired room at home doesn’t have to be hard! Plus, by thoughtfully curating the environment to align with your toddler’s developmental needs and interests, you lay the foundation for a lifetime of joyful learning and exploration. Embrace simplicity, foster independence, and above all, cherish the wonder and curiosity that define childhood. In a safe, inviting space created especially for them, your toddler can thrive, flourish, and become the best version of themselves. If you would like some inspiration, come visit our school to see how we create spaces for young children that cultivate curiosity, independence, and a love for learning.
Montessori children are standing next to each other in front of a brick wall
By Stephanie Sarvana 13 Mar, 2024
As parents, we want our kids to get along. Yet sibling dynamics can vex even the best of us. We cringe at how much our children can hurt each other, then melt when we see them treating each other with kindness. Their fights can drive us crazy, causing us to worry about whether they will like each other as adults. Fortunately, we can implement strategies to prevent problems between siblings, set the stage for healthy interactions, and practice some techniques for managing conflict in the moment. One of the first steps is taking time to understand our children, ourselves, and the situation. Without taking time to assess these three aspects, we often end up interfering in sibling conflict, which may stop the fight in the moment but that may also inadvertently increase competition and misunderstanding. Check-In with Ourselves When conflicts arise, it helps to first check in with our own feelings. Having awareness of our mental and physical responses allows us to practice self-regulation. We can breathe in deeply through our nose and our mouth. We can pause before responding. We can even express our emotions: “I’m realizing that I’m not feeling very calm right now. Because I’m starting to feel upset, I’m going to take a minute to try to regain some control.” Our children don’t need us to get on the roller coaster! Describe and Empathize Another technique to help in the moment is to describe what we see and to empathize. When we describe what we see in a non-judgmental way, we help our children become aware of what they are doing. This allows them the opportunity to choose if they want to continue. The real key is to do this in a neutral way: “I’m noticing that both of you seem to really want to sit on the bean bag chair. Sometimes it can be hard to both want the same thing.” Examine the Hidden Beliefs When children exhibit behaviors, they have unspoken beliefs behind that behavior. To better understand our children and these beliefs, can start to reflect on any hidden messages. Some questions to consider include: Do our children feel like they need to win, be first, have an item, etc. to be significant in the family? Are they trying to determine their place in the family? Do they feel wronged in some way and want to cause hurt back to others? Do they feel they are being treated unfairly? Are they trying to fight back to have a sense of justice? Is fighting a way to assert power in the situation? We don’t need to have answers to the questions but rather recognize that our children might be operating based on some mistaken beliefs. It’s important to remember that what happens to us isn’t as important as the beliefs we have about what happens to us. Our children just want to belong and feel significant and might need some support in developing new beliefs to feel accepted and important. Shift the Beliefs One way to shift their thinking is to practice putting children in the same boat. When we take sides in an argument or conflict (for example, by reminding an older child to be kind to their younger sibling or assuming wrongdoing in some way), we reinforce competition or hard feelings between siblings. Instead, we can give our children a choice or hold both responsible. If something has been broken, both can be involved in making repairs or amends. If they are fighting in the car, we can pull over and explain that we’ll be happy to get going again when they have resolved their conflict or have decided to stop arguing. If tattling is a regular occurrence, we can empathize and wonder how they will solve the problem together. We can also make sure we aren’t setting up situations that cultivate jealousy or competition by forcing sharing or putting one child’s needs before another’s. Provide Special Time Another way to help our children feel belonging and significance is to schedule special time. Our children need our undivided attention, yet so often as parents, we are pulled in so many directions. One way to address this is to commit to having five to ten minutes of one-on-one time with each child. Let your children know that this is time that you will be with them 100% and that they get to choose what you both do together during that time. Even if it is that activity that you just can’t stand, remember it is only for a short duration! Use a timer and stay committed to having the time each day. This undivided attention helps children feel secure and connected. The result? They are more cooperative with us and each other. New Skills Ultimately helping our children navigate sibling dynamics involves teaching new skills. We can help our children learn how to express themselves kindly and firmly, perhaps even practicing how to share concerns during family meetings. We can involve our children in finding solutions through problem-solving strategies. We can emphasize the value of different perspectives and needs by appreciating each child’s unique qualities and building gratitude into our routines. What we model and promote in our families helps set the stage for how our children navigate not only sibling relationships but their interactions in the world. If you’d like to learn more about how we cultivate respectful, cooperative relationships and help children learn how to resolve differences with respect and kindness, come visit our school!
Montessori children are working with blocks on the floor in a classroom
By Stephanie Sarvana 06 Mar, 2024
In Montessori, we emphasize two words on a pretty regular basis: grace and courtesy. But what does grace and courtesy really mean? How are they an essential part of Montessori classrooms? And what role do they play in supporting the development of social relationships? What is Grace? What is Courtesy? Let’s first isolate each word. Google’s Oxford Languages defines “grace” in two parts: 1. simple elegance or refinement of movement, and 2. courteous goodwill. Courtesy is defined simply as: the showing of politeness in one’s attitude and behavior toward others. Stated another way, grace and courtesy comprise how we move through the space around us showing respect for ourselves and others. Grace & Courtesy Lessons In our toddler and primary classrooms, grace and courtesy are considered to be part of practical life learning and we devote significant time to grace and courtesy lessons. For example, the adults give explicit instruction on how to walk around someone’s work on the rug, how to wait your turn, how to offer help, how to tuck a chair under the table, or how to introduce oneself. These lessons are offered one-on-one or in small groups and we often use role playing as a technique for exploring the skills. We are very careful about how we introduce grace and courtesy to children. If we see something that needs to be addressed, we try to avoid confronting the child in the moment and we never offer grace and courtesy lessons as a form of punishment or correction. We are careful about this because children are often embarrassed when corrected by adults on the spot. When this happens, they can feel disrespected and not safe, and thus much less likely to perform the act on their own accord. In the Older Years As children enter their elementary and adolescent years, our approach shifts slightly. Elementary-age children are more focused on their social interactions and are learning how to navigate the ups and downs of friendships. As such, much of the grace and courtesy work at this level provides children with tools for communicating directly and respectfully, sharing perspectives thoughtfully, and even being discreet about something potentially embarrassing. In addition, they are learning how to interact with the broader community as they arrange visits or interviews, conduct themselves according to the norms of different communities, and explore how to be a host or be a guest. The Goal The goal in Montessori education is that these acts of grace and courtesy aren’t rigid expectations, like insisting that children say please and thank you. Rather, they become part of how children want to be and interact. Dr. Montessori is quoted as saying: “…the essential thing is that [the child] should know how to perform these actions of courtesy when his little heart prompts him to do so, as part of a social life which develops naturally from moment to moment.” Like all other exercises in Montessori prepared environments, we offer opportunities to regularly practice and repeat grace and courtesy skills. Because these experiences are part of the normal functioning of the day, they provide a respectful way for young people to learn expectations and for adults to provide scaffolding and assistance for social skills. The Results In time, as we offer these grace and courtesy opportunities and give children a safe place to practice, our young people eventually perform these skills independently. When you visit our school, you’re likely to see two young children sitting together, the older one showing the other how to put on their shoes. Or perhaps if you observe in a primary classroom, you might see a child patiently waiting with their hand on their own shoulder, our silent signal that we need someone’s attention, until a teacher is available to help them. Our children bring a sad classmate a tissue or rush to assist when someone has a spill. They tuck their chairs under tables so others don’t trip over them. They carefully place a tray upon a table. They greet each other and adults in the hallways. They hold the door open when they see someone coming their way. In the process, Montessori children move beyond the basic niceties and think deeply about their impact on those around them. We’d love to show you this in action! Schedule a tour to see the ways that grace and courtesy help children recognize themselves as caring individuals within a supportive community. 
A guide is sitting on the floor reading a book to a group of Montessori children
29 Jan, 2024
Our children’s early years are essential for developing strong language skills. So, in Montessori, we pay particular attention to how we support young children’s receptive and expressive language development. The exercises we use to enhance children’s spoken language development don’t have a large physical presence on the classroom shelves because many are games or conversations. These spoken language activities are a prominent part of children’s daily experience in our Montessori classrooms. The Purpose Young children are expanding their vocabulary at an astonishing rate: from recognition of about 50 words at age one, to about 1,000 words by age three, to at least 10,000 words by age five! We know that children absorb language effortlessly, so in Montessori we provide children with expansive vocabulary enrichment through a series of mindful oral language exercises. We also recognize that the adult is the most important language material in the classroom, so we use precise language whenever we are communicating with children. We offer rich, full, and beautiful language because we know we are providing an essential foundation for children. Our Favorite Activities We keep oral language alive and lively through a variety of purposeful activities. Classified Picture Books We choose wordless picture books that focus on a theme that is familiar to children or that are classified around a sequence (e.g., Amanda’s day). In the classroom, we sit down with one child and take a “picture walk” through the book to help the child interpret the picture clues. The adult doesn’t tell what is happening and rather asks the child about what they see. This process not only helps children develop their expressive language skills but also sets the stage for future reading and story interpretation. True Stories When we tell true stories, we invite a group of three to five children to join us. Sometimes we use little cultural artifacts or objects as we share stories about everyday life, or we offer little snippets about geography, art, music, biology, and geometry. The key to these stories is that they are based in reality and are not fictional stories. In sharing these stories, we offer children interesting and rich language, as well as spark their interest and imagination! The Question Game For this activity, we gather a small group of children who have a common experience. Then we ask a series of questions about that event. Being mindful to solicit answers from a variety of children, we focus on asking questions that can form a sequence and illuminate details. We then summarize the story based upon the children’s responses. Because children live in the moment and often don’t remember what happened yesterday, we try to do this activity on the day the common experience occurs. In addition to modeling how to tell a story and how to create complete sentences from one-word answers, we are also providing preparation for creative writing by taking an event and structuring it sequentially and highlighting details. Conversation at a Picture To engage children in this activity, we invite a small group to a piece of artwork on display and start a conversation about what the children observe in the picture. We focus on using “w” questions such as: What do you see? Where do you think they are? Why do you think…etc. We keep eliciting conversation by asking more questions: Do you see anything else in this area? Do you notice anything else about this scene? When the conversation begins to fade, we summarize the observations in a small narrative or story. Reading Literature We work to read quality children’s literature every day! When we do so, we highlight the book’s title, the author, and the illustrator. Under the age of six, children live in the present and are trying to adapt to the world around them. Because they are still too young to distinguish between fantasy and reality, we make sure to choose books that are grounded in reality. Reciting Poetry When reciting poetry, we do so from memory. We recite poems over a series of days and, just like with singing, children learn the poems by themselves and love to recite them. Children also absorb phonetic skills from any onset rhyme. Popular nursery rhymes support children’s process of learning to read! Objects in the Environment This activity is actually a series of games that follow a “listen and do” type format. After gathering a group of children, we explain that will say something to do and when a child hears their name, they get to do that action. We start with simple, one-step commands: Touch a shelf. Stand by a window. Walk around a table. We then progress both in complexity in terms of the types and categories objects as well as by offering double commands: Find a friend and shake hands. Choose a book and place it on a table. Play a bell and hum a tune. While quite fun, these games also have the added bonus of helping children develop their auditory memory. Classified Pictures For this work, we have collections of pictures representing categories of objects (types of transportation, furnishings, appliances, playground equipment, etc.), as well as cards with illustrations of geographical, geometrical, biological, and scientific terms (parts of a flower, land and water forms, polygons, etc.). When doing this activity with a child, we first name the classification (“These are all fruits.”) to help establish mental order. Then we play a little game to teach the vocabulary for the items pictured on the cards. The Sound Game The sound game helps children become aware of the phonemes in our language. We collect several known objects and play an I Spy type game that isolates the beginning sounds of the objects, then later the ending sounds, and eventually the sounds in the middle of the words. The whole purpose of this game is to help children become aware of the sounds that make up words. Spoken language activities are the foundation for children’s receptive and expressive vocabularies. In addition to enhancing their vocabulary and providing an overarching structure for future work in writing and reading, engaging children in language games also helps increase their listening and comprehension skills. Above all, we take the time to listen to children’s own spontaneous efforts to express themselves, so that they gain confidence in speaking and feel that their thoughts have meaning. Come see (and hear!) all this spoken language work when you schedule a visit. We love to share what we do! 
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